Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Meeting H.J.'s Family

H.J. & Stephen Johnson The whole Johnson gang on an egg hunt.
Katie Johnson

Bonnie, H.J. Steven, & Katie Johnson

Bonnie & Marilyn

We arrived at Steve & Marilyn's Sat. April 3rd. We had a great dinner with the family, and camped in our little trailer down behind the barn. We had a great time and great weather for our first camping trip.

Thought for the day

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday 2010

Mandy's gourmet rolls!!
Kelly Bayer
Linda Rule Alison Rule
The egg hunt begins!

Don't fence me in!
The spectators

Wooky wooky, I found another one!

The Shanks Family

Todd & Clayton Linda Rule, Matt, Stacy, Alison & Matthew Rule

Chad, Mandy, Cameryn & Noah Shanks After the water fight.
The storm abrewin on the way home.

Our flowers were in full bloom to greet us when we got home.
Kellie & Chad Cameryn Shanks
Clayton searches all the bushes.
Matthew Rule
Alison & Grandma Patsy
Clayton's stash
Noah Shanks

Todd Shanks
Matthew, Matt & Stacy
H.J. Johnson [Jake] The water fight begins!


The neighbor thought we were killing someone!

Look close at the next 2 pictures! Bam right in the face.
Someone is not happy!

The toughest one in the bunch!